Ostrich Hilariously Photobombs Politician During Broadcast


A politician was hilariously photobombed by an ostrich while giving a statement on live TV. See for yourself in the video below:

Miguel Angel Revilla, the President of Cantabria in northern Spain, visited the Cabarceno Natural Park zoo to announce its reopening but all eyes were on the inquisitive bird that decided to pop up over his shoulder and check out what was going on.

Revilla, 77, was completely oblivious to the bird and continued speaking to the cameras about the reopening, while the bird began started opening and closing its mouth as it watched on.

Towards the end of the clip a second bird gets in on the action.

The funny clip quickly went viral and it wasn’t long before Revilla was trending on social media, while others piled in to take the p***.

However, Revilla seemed to see the funny side too, as he shared a screenshot of Homer Simpson in a very similar situation with an ostrich standing behind him and captioned it: ” already predicted it.” Fair play, that is solid banter from Revilla.

Speaking during the press conference, Revilla said the park, where some animals are allowed to roam about freely, should be considered a safe place to visit and encouraged tourists to come to the area.

He went on to say opening the park is a step closer to the reopening of the economy once the ‘pandemic is controlled’.

Spain introduced one of the strictest lockdowns in Europe, but it is now being eased out in phases, with Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez hoping the country will have arrived at a ‘new normality’ by the end of June.

However, the country has made it compulsory for anyone older than five to wear face masks indoors or outdoors where social distancing can’t be observed.

The new law states: “Using masks will be compulsory on the street, in open spaces and any closed place of public use, when it is not possible to maintain a safe distance of at least two metres (6.5ft).”

According to the latest figures, Spain has registered more than 236,000 cases of Covid-19 and 28,773 related deaths.


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