Street Artists Create Incredible Black Lives Matter Mural In Seattle


Street artists have come together in Seattle, USA, to create a stunning Black Lives Matter mural.

The three all-important words – which have been chanted in protests across the world since the death of George Floyd on 25 May – have been painted on Capitol Hill in letters measuring 19ft from top to bottom.

Artists filled in each letter with symbolic designs on Thursday afternoon and the finished result was described as a ‘masterpiece’ by a photographer who captured a bird’s eye view of it with a drone.

The project was the brainchild of a 40-year-old mural artist, who said he got the idea after witnessing similar street paintings being created across the country. He subsequently spent around five hours on Wednesday evening with a friend chalking the outline of the letters on the street, before blocking the letters in with white primer and a water-proofer to finish the canvas.

Speaking to The Seattle Times, the man – who wished to remain anonymous to keep the focus on the BLM movement – said: “What Washington, D.C., did was cool, but North Carolina took it up a notch with murals in each letter. I thought that was brilliant.

“Ninety percent of the artists [who painted the mural] are black, and the rest are people of colour. I mean, this is a Black Lives Matter mural. It should be painted by people of colour.”

The mural in Washington, D.C. he mentions is so big you can actually see it from space.

The whopping mural was painted on Sixteenth Street, which leads to the White House. Each letter is reportedly 35ft and the words take up the full width of the road.

It was painted earlier this month by council workers and volunteers following an instruction from Mayor Muriel Bowser.

John Falcicchio, the chief of staff for Mayor Bowser, took to Twitter to explain why the mayor made the decision to paint the mural.

He wrote: “There was a dispute this week about whose street this is. Mayor Bowser wanted to make it abundantly clear that this is DC’s street and to honour demonstrators who [were] peacefully protesting on Monday evening.”

Mayor Bowser also announced that part of the street would be renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza.

She said: “We want to call attention today to making sure our nation is more fair and more just and that black lives and black humanity matter in our nation.”


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