Woman Has Last Laugh On Date Who Rejected Her For Being Too Big

A 15-stone singleton got the last laugh on a bloke who rejected her on her birthday for being ‘bigger than he would go for’ by losing five stone – only for him to try to come crawling back. Lori Ball claims the pounds easily piled on over two years as she ‘lived to eat’ – […]

People Are Putting Up Their Christmas Lights To Cheer Themselves Up

Remember December? Our biggest concern was the election, we were getting all excited for our annual two week bender – the world was a simpler place. So, instead of wallowing in self-pity, people have tried to bring back a bit of festive magic amid all this coronavirus business and have put their Christmas lights back […]

Photographer Mocks Panic Buyers With 'Newborn' Toilet Roll Shoot

A baby photographer has taken a swipe at panic buyers by doing a lavish photoshoot holding a roll of toilet paper in her arms like a newborn. Helen O’Brien and her husband Ben said they got sick of seeing stockpiles of bog roll on social media, but had a sudden burst of inspiration and decided […]

People Are Joining Huge Queues To Get A McDonald's Before They Close

The day after McDonald’s announced it would be temporarily closing all the UK and Ireland restaurants, people have been joining huge queues in a bid to get their last taste for the foreseeable future. In a statement released yesterday (22 March) explaining that all the restaurants would be closing in a bid to help reduce […]