Man Quarantined With Parents Is Forced To Watch Sex Scenes

Self-isolating during the coronavirus pandemic has been tricky for us all to get used to. Take this guy for example: Like many, actor and comic Dan Ahdoot has been trying to keep himself busy only for him it’s ended up being under some of the most mortifying circumstances. We can all sympathise with Dan but, […]

Mum-Of-Six Says She's Constantly Mistaken For 21-Year-Old On TikTok

A 40-year-old woman has racked up millions of views on TikTok with her followers shocked by her youthful looks and fun videos. Former PCSO and detention officer Claire Barratt says she is often mistaken her for her for 21-year-old son’s girlfriend and has even shared a snap of her driving licence to prove her real […]

Tesco Store Puts Security Tags On Bathroom Soap In Store Toilets

We’ve all heard about the panic buying that Covid-19 has inspired in supermarkets and shops around the world. It’s led to people shopping for things like toilet paper in bulk and fights breaking out as a result. Seriously – imagine if you got decked over bog roll. Wouldn’t exactly be a tale to tell your […]

Man Loses Almost 11 Stone After Getting Stuck Between Floorboards At Work

A pipe fitter was spurred on to lose nearly 11 stone after he became wedged between floorboards while on a job. Daniel Mann weighed more than 24 stone when he had a wake-up call after getting stuck going from one floor to another while fitting pipes. A photo taken at the time shows Daniel with […]

Spanish Police Play Songs In The Streets To Entertain People During Lockdown

Keeping spirits high during lockdown is a major challenge, but police are going above and beyond to do their bit in Spain. Footage shared on Twitter shows two police cars winding down a deserted street with their sirens on as quarantined residents applaud. While ordinarily this sound means ‘get out of the way someone’s in […]

Vicar Accidentally Sets Himself On Fire During Video Sermon

In times like these, you have to laugh at anything you possibly can. Sometimes even at your own spectacular fails. Take this vicar for example, who set himself alight as he prepared for his church’s online service: This hilarious video shows Reverend Stephen Beach, of St Budeaux Parish Church in Plymouth, as he prepared for […]

Dog Sprains Tail From Wagging So Much During Quarantine

For most of us, the weeks and months ahead seem daunting, with the prospect of continual social distancing a threat to our physical and mental well-being. But for dogs the world over, the outlook is quite the opposite – and I think we can all take comfort from that. Yes, man’s best friend certainly won’t […]

Aussie Couple Take Living Room 'Cruise' When They Can't Go On Their Planned Holiday

The current coronavirus outbreak may have scuppered holiday plans for many people recently, but one Aussie couple decided to take it as the inspiration to get creative, having decided to enjoy their very own living room ‘cruise’. Dave and Norma had planned to celebrate their 53rd wedding anniversary on a cruise around the Pacific, but […]

Guy Smashes Oven Attempting Stay At Home Toilet Roll Challenge

For countless people across the globe, the coronavirus pandemic has left a football-shaped hole in their hearts. In a bid to build a bit of camaraderie during these football-free times, players and fans alike have been taking part in the #StayAtHomeChallenge, which sees people do kick-ups with a toilet roll, before booting it away and […]