Mum Shares Toilet Paper Solution After No Stores Had Any Stocked

Of the many terrible consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, one of the perhaps more unexpected ones is the toilet roll shortage. People across the world fearful of a life without their lavender three ply have been stockpiling bog roll, meaning many have been greeted with empty shelves. One mum in Australia made four trips to […]

Isolation Nation Facebook Group Brings People Together During Quarantine

Living in lockdown is a wholly new experience for almost all of us. The thought of not going to the pub, hanging out with friends, watching sports, having holidays or just living a normal life for who knows how long is a difficult prospect to contemplate. Fortunately for us we live in an age of […]

Adults In Hysterics At 'Children's Book' Brenda's Beaver Needs A Barber

When I was at school, reading revolved around Biff, Chip and Kipper and The Magic Key. But it seems times have changed, as nowadays it’s all about Brenda and her big messy beaver. Except isn’t really for kids at all. It’s part of a series of ‘Reach Around Books’ which are riddled with double entendres, […]

Man Who Could Only Communicate By Blinking Recovers From Locked-In Syndrome

A man who could only communicate by blinking has become one of only 15 people to recover from locked-in syndrome. Shaun Wilde, from Ballabeg in the Isle of Man, is now walking and talking, having spent three months in a vegetative state. During this period, he was only able to communicate with family and doctors […]

Blind Golden Retriever Mistaken For Guide Dog Has 'Guide Human'

A woman says her golden retriever is often mistaken for a guide dog, but the cute pooch is actually blind and his owner is his ‘guide human’. Good boy Tao had to have both his eyes removed separately due to painful glaucoma, with the second operation happening just eight weeks. The adaptable ten-year-old has already […]

Jimmy Carr Photobombs Friends' Group Picture Without Them Knowing

It can be pretty bleedin‘ annoying when you and your friends all crowd together to take a nice group picture – one that you can cherish in decades – when some random idiot decides to pop up into the background and COMPLETELY RUIN IT. However, sometimes there are a few exceptions – for instance, if […]