Hairdresser Jailed For Seven Days After Opening Salon Despite Lockdown Rules

BY THEREDNOW STAFF Shelly Luther, that is the proprietor of Salon la Mode in Dallas, Texas, said that she would not apologise for keeping her service open in defiance of the state’s lockdown regulations, and refused a deal from the judge at her trial. Luther was supposedly told to shut her beauty salon down on […]

Massive Fire Tears Through Skyscraper In United Arab Emirates

BY THEREDNOW STAFF A substantial fire is presently tearing with a skyscraper in the United Arab Emirates. The blaze, which ripped with the 48-storey in the Al Nahda area of Sharjah created those on the ground the scream as well as inform others to compete their lives as they evaded debris. It is not clear […]

Widow Of Coronavirus Whistle-Blower Dr Li Wenliang Gives Birth To Their Son

BY THEREDNOW STAFF The widow of coronavirus whistle-blower Dr Li Wenliang has given birth to their son. State-run Litchi News reported that Dr Li’s wife Fu Xuejie gave birth to a little boy in a hospital in Wuhan. Sharing the news on Chinese social media platform WeChat, she wrote: “Can you see it from heaven? […]

Rare Pink Giant Jellyfish Sighted For Only The Fourth Time In History

BY THEREDNOW STAFF A rare pink jellyfish has been sighted off the coast of Italy for only the fourth time ever. The Drymonema dalmatinum, or ‘Stinging Cauliflower’ – to use it’s much easier to pronounce but somewhat demeaning moniker – has been filmed by amateur divers in the Miramare Biosphere Reserve off the coast of […]

British Man Who Fled Wuhan Says He Wishes He Had Never Left China

BY THEREDNOW STAFF A British male who got away from China at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak states he desires he ‘d stayed put overseas. Matt Raw left Wuhan in January this year, boarding a repatriation flight back to UK, before investing two weeks in quarantine at Arrowe Park Hospital in Wirral, Merseyside. Leaving […]

'Covid-Free' Village In Italy Is Selling Homes For €1

BY THEREDNOW STAFF By now, I think most of us are pretty sick of the sight of our own homes and in desperate need of a change of scenery. Well, as luck would have it, the local government in the Italian village of Cinquefrondi is flogging a bunch of homes in its ‘historic’ quarter for […]

Brits Urged To Wear Masks And Not To Bring Hand Luggage Under New Travel Advice

BY THEREDNOW STAFF New government advice surrounding air travel urges Brits not to bring hand luggage and wear face masks to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission. As well as that, airlines have been asked to attempt to minimise the number of face-to-face interactions between staff and passengers whilst on the plane and in the […]

Chocolate Company Tony's Chocolonely Shares Glimpse Of New Factory With Roller Coaster

BY THEREDNOW STAFF A chocolate company has shared a glimpse of what its ‘mega chocolate factory with roller coaster’ will look like when it opens in The Netherlands. Dutch confectionary company Tony’s Chocoloney will be opening up a somewhat unusual factory in Zaanstad, whcih is northwest of Amsterdam, with Time Out saying the build is […]

Lion Has Legs Deliberately Broken So It Can't Run Away From Tourists

BY THEREDNOW STAFF WARNING: CONTAINS DISTRESSING CONTENT A lion cub had its legs deliberately broken so that it could not run away from tourists in Russia, with distressing video footage showing the condition the animal was in before it was given surgery, along with the painful process of learning to walk again afterwards. The lion, […]