Celeste Barber's $51m Bushfire Fund Can't Be Distributed To Other Charities

BY THEREDNOW STAFF The AU$ 51 million increased by comic Celeste Barber throughout her bushfire alleviation campaign can not be dispersed to various other charities outside New South Wales, but can be made use of to aid damaged firefighters, the NSW Supreme Court has actually validated. Barber nominated NSW Rural Fire Service and also the […]

NYC Health Department Encourages People To 'Get Kinky' With Sex To Help Stop Spread Of Virus

BY THEREDNOW STAFF An official health guide for New Yorkers has encouraged them to get ‘creative’ when having sex during the pandemic, even suggesting they incorporate physical barriers ‘like walls‘. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene published a ‘Safer Sex and Covid-19‘ guide, hoping to help residents ‘enjoy safer sex’ while […]

Boys Find Gold Bars Worth More £70,000 After Building A Fort

BY THEREDNOW STAFF Two brothers who were making a fort to pass the time throughout lockdown came across a number of gold bars worth around ₤ 71,700 (EUR80,000). And also here I was made up due to the fact that I found a packet of Oreos at the rear of the cupboard. The item of […]

Experts Warn International Air Travel Won't Be Back To Normal Until 2023

BY THEREDNOW STAFF The trade organization has actually claimed guest numbers for international travel is not anticipated to reach ‘pre-pandemic’ degrees until 2023 ‘at the earliest’. The association claimed long-haul travel will be the most seriously impacted. The organization has claimed that domestic travel will certainly recoup a lot more rapidly, but estimates that following […]

NASCAR Bans The Flying Of The Confederate Flag At All Events

BY THEREDNOW STAFF NASCAR has decided to ban the flying of Confederate flags at all racing events in the future. The sport, which is incredibly popular in parts of America, said that the flag was an emotionally charged symbol of the past and doesn’t represent current values. In a statement, NASCAR said: “The presence of […]

AMC Theatres Announces Plans To Reopen 'Almost All' UK And US Cinemas In July

BY THEREDNOW STAFF AMC Theatres has said it plans to reopen ‘almost all’ of its UK and US cinemas in July, in time for the new Christopher Nolan flick The company, which owns Odeon Cinemas, was forced to close its theatres in March following the outbreak of coronavirus. AMC has now revealed its plans to […]

Police Called On Woman After She Makes TikTok Video With 'Dead Body'

BY THEREDNOW STAFF The lady was in reality filming a video for the social media site, as part of the dancing pallbearer meme, in her yard in Chino. The pallbearer videos on TikTok normally show somebody doing something inconsiderate and also getting ‘killed’ in action, before being displayed around by a dance pallbearer. While they’re […]

Tulsa Mayor Unveils 75-Foot Tesla Statue In Honour Of Elon Musk

BY THEREDNOW STAFF A city in the US has actually revealed a massive 75-foot, gold statuary of Elon Musk. G.T. Bynum, the mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma, proudly unveiled the city’s site Golden Driller statue outside the Expo Centre this week, which had actually been customized to resemble the billionaire technology magnate. The Golden Driller was […]

US Navy Completely Obliterates Drone Using Laser Beam Mounted On Warship

BY THEREDNOW STAFF According to the US Navy, this is the ‘the very first system-level implementation of a high-energy course solid-state laser’. This examination launch, which took place at Pearl Harbour near Hawaii on 16 May, confirms that the US – in spite of having used laser weapons before – has relocated into a different […]