Playing 'FIFA 20's' Career Mode Is Now A Bittersweet Experience

A quiet moment these days isn’t exactly hard to come by. I mean, most of us have them coming out of our ears during these extended periods of lockdown. Deciding what to do with those quiet moments, however, is increasingly becoming a more difficult task. It was during one of these solitary junctures that I […]

'Modern Warfare 2 Remastered' Rumour Suggests Why Game Ditched Multiplayer

Towards the end of last month, Activision surprised us by dropping a remaster of the beloved 2009 hit . Well, it would only have been surprising if you were one of the few Call Of Duty fans who’d already been made aware of the smorgasbord of leaks and rumours that had been circulating ahead of […]

Evercade Review: A Neat New Way To Play Great Retro Video Games

If the brand name Blaze means anything to you, in a gaming context, it’s more than likely because you’ve picked up one of the company’s varied retro consoles or mini-arcade machines, pre-loaded with titles from yesteryear. It’s produced a range of Atari-badged products in recent years, including the Retro Handheld with 60 built-in games from […]

Visionary Builds Nintendo Switch From Parts Because They're All Sold Out

If like me, you haven’t picked up a Nintendo Switch yet, recent events may have prompted you to start seriously looking into getting one. But unless you’ve been lucky, you’ll find that it’s been quite difficult to get hold of Nintendo’s handheld console – for a decent price, at least. But that hasn’t put off […]

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Removes Controversial Vehicle From Solos Mode

The latest update for has addressed an issue with vehicles that players were finding particularly annoying. Anyone who’s dabbled in the free-to-play battle royale will by now surely have fallen foul of what I honestly think is one of the worst ways to die in the game: Being ran down by some prick in a […]

'Final Fantasy VII' Remake Voice Actor Emotionally Reacts To Her Performance

If you picked up the last week, you may well be able to appreciate the reaction of Briana White, the actress who voiced Aerith Gainsborough, when she saw her character for the first time, in-game. She tweeted her reaction in a video and you can see it below. It probably goes without saying that there […]

'The Last Of Us 2's' New Release Date Potentially Leaked By Amazon

If you’ve been patiently waiting for the release of , the announcement that came a few weeks ago that the game’s launch has been delayed indefinitely won’t have been welcome news. But it seems that you might not have quite as long to wait as Naughty Dog originally suggested. According to a leak from Amazon, […]

Virtual Plague Unleashed In 'World Of Warcraft' To Teach Prevention Of COVID-19

Like many games, is a great way to escape the pressures and stresses of everyday life. That’s especially true right now with the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the recent 100% experience buff may have tempted you back to Azeroth. However, if you happen to play on the private server, Elysium, you’ll have found yourself […]