Man Loses Almost 11 Stone After Getting Stuck Between Floorboards At Work

A pipe fitter was spurred on to lose nearly 11 stone after he became wedged between floorboards while on a job.

Daniel Mann weighed more than 24 stone when he had a wake-up call after getting stuck going from one floor to another while fitting pipes.

A photo taken at the time shows Daniel with his head back, laughing at the bizarre situation.

Man Loses Almost 11 Stone After Getting Stuck Between Floorboards At Work
Credit: SWNS

Daniel said he spent 20 minutes stuck until his colleagues helped him out.

The 32-year-old, from Halifax, said: “I saw my mate go down and I thought, ‘Oh I’ll be alright,’ but then I just got wedged – I couldn’t get out.

“I called for help and when they saw me they just burst out laughing, they couldn’t believe what I had done.

“Even though I could see the funny side and started laughing, I was actually really embarrassed.

“It made me think about what kind of size I had got to and that something really needed to be done.”

Deciding he wanted to make a change, Daniel joined Slimming World, alongside his wife Deborah and in less than year has managed to shed almost 11 stone.

He said: “I was a bit apprehensive at the start because I’d always associated it with the kind of thing women do.

“But after getting there and meeting everyone I immediately felt included and knew that I had made the right decision.”

Man Loses Almost 11 Stone After Getting Stuck Between Floorboards At Work
Credit: SWNS

Before joining Slimming World, Daniel said he would regularly tuck into fast food and often have two evening meals.

“I used to get the biggest butty you could think of at lunch times – bacon, sausage, cheese, black pudding, you name it. They would be massive,” he said.

But since joining, and with the support of his wife and two children, he now enjoys a healthy balanced diet with fruit, veggies and lean meat.

At his first Slimming World meeting, Daniel weighed 24st 8lbs and had a size 44 waist. Now, barely nine months later, he is down to 15st 5lbs and a 34 waist.

He added that some of his workmates gave him a bit of stick at first, but have since been bowled over by how much he’s lost.

Daniel said: “The lads did take the mick out of me at first, they knew my old eating habits and they didn’t think I’d be able to stick at the diet.

“They’d keep asking me, ‘What’s that you’re eating, rabbit food?’ They’d keep asking if I wanted a butty, because they knew I liked them.

Man Loses Almost 11 Stone After Getting Stuck Between Floorboards At Work
Credit: SWNS

“But they’ve all seen the weight loss and that I stuck at it – they can’t believe it. The jokes have stopped and they know I have done well, they respect me for it.

“One of the lads has even joined Slimming World because he was so inspired by my success. He asked me for advice and said he wasn’t quite sure whether it was for him, but I told him to just go. Don’t be scared, just go and do it.

“He’s lost two stone since September.”

Daniel said he was also encouraged to lose weight for his dad Stephen, who sadly died from cancer last year.

He said: “My dad was very straight-talking and he told me very directly that I needed to sort myself out and get rid of the weight.”

Man Loses Almost 11 Stone After Getting Stuck Between Floorboards At Work
Credit: SWNS

Daniel added: “I just wanted to prove to my dad that I could do it and make him proud.

“Luckily he got to see I was on the right path before he passed away in June last year.”

Despite his impressive weight loss, Daniel said he’s not finished yet and plans to get down to 14st.


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