Man Accidentally Walks In Naked On Girlfriend's Mum As TikTok Challenge Goes Horrifically Wrong

Isolation is a boring time us all but this social influencer decided to throw his hat… and trousers into the ring by recording himself walking in naked on his girlfriend, to embarrassingly realise her mother was also in the room.

As a way to amuse themselves and pass the time, TikTokers have created a new trend in which they record themselves walking in starkers on their partners to capture their shocked, happy and sometimes disgusted reactions.

Deciding to partake in the trend, Los Angeles based graphic designer Matthew Hunkins, 20, decided to record himself walking out of the shower and into his girlfriend’s room.

Little did Matthew know, but his girlfriend’s mother was laying down on the bed having a chat with her daughter at the time.

Man Accidentally Walks In Naked On Girlfriend's Mum As TikTok Challenge Goes Horrifically Wrong
This is about the time he should have stopped… Credit: Storytrender

The craze started when one woman filmed the reaction of her boyfriend trying to distract him from playing video games, but it has quickly accelerated to bored folks attempting to put their other halves off while they are working, and having potentially important business to attend to.

Hey, it beats going outside and putting loads of other people at risk, doesn’t it?

Why not give it a go yourself tomorrow while your partner is having an office hours catch up with their boss? That’s if you’re not shy, or they aren’t going to get sacked as a result, obviously.

Man Accidentally Walks In Naked On Girlfriend's Mum As TikTok Challenge Goes Horrifically Wrong
Jason Derulo had a crack at a different viral challenge. Credit: Instagram/@jasonderulo

Not in to getting your kit off? Maybe you could have a crack at the #standupchallenge that Jason Derulo and Jena Frumes took on and made look completely effortless.

In the video, Derulo starts kneeling down on all fours, while Jenna stands balancing on his back. He then stands up a bit with each beat while she stays on his back.

In another video shared on Instagram by Jena, the pair try another trick, where it looks like they defy gravity in slow motion over their swimming pool.

In the caption, Jena wrote: “Did we make it look easy?”

If she’s referring to isolation in a massive house with a pool, then yeah, you’re making it look very easy. However, she’s likely to be referring to the trick over the pool, and yes, that is also impressive.


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