Woman Shocked To Discover Blister On Her Finger Looks Like The Queen


A woman who was using her time off work to try to get some DIY done was shocked after a blister on her finger popped – reveal the likeness of the Queen.

Now, you can make your own mind up about how lose the likeness is, but if youve ever used a stamp or spent a penny – not like that – youll probably notice at least some similarity.

Key worker Sophie Marie was off work for two weeks after developing coronavirus symptoms, but once she felt a bit better she thought shed get a bit done about the house.

The 26-year-old decided to fix a chest of drawers, but accidentally got some glue on her thumb and burned her finger.

When the blister eventually shrivelled up – a lovely image, youll surely agree – she noticed that it had taken the form of the head of Queen Elizabeth II.

No, she wasnt just losing her marbles during lockdown. She shared the picture with a few pals and they actually seemed to agree.

Well, a few of them did, anyway.

Sophie, who lives in Swansea, said: “It wasnt until I was looking back at the photo that I noticed it looked like a person. It looked like the Queens head.

“A few of my friends agreed, which Im glad about because otherwise theyd definitely think I was going mad.

“Im into art and I studied it in college so I probably do see different shapes in everyday things.”

If this teaches us anything, it should be to always remain aware of the dangers of using superglue to stick together wooden furniture – among other things to watch out for with superglue, that is.

After she accidentally glued her hand to the chest of drawers she was sorting out, she pulled it off to reveal that a blister was forming on her hand.

Covering it with a plaster, she then removed it a day later to reveal the imprint of Her Maj in the wound that remained.

Sophie continued: “Ive been off with these [coronavirus] symptoms for about 12 days now and a few days ago I finally had enough energy to disinfect the house.

“I noticed the front of my chest of drawers had come away from the join so I thought Id glue it back together.”

“I was nearly done fixing it, when I went to hold it in place and the glue stuck to my thumb instead.

“It didnt look like [the Queen] straight away. It was just a bubble – the sting was unbelievable.

“I wrapped it up with honey which did take away some pain but not a lot.

“Long story short, I went to sleep that night, woke up the next day and the scab had fallen off. I plastered it up with some cream and thought nothing of it.

“A few hours later I let the air get at it and sent my friend a picture.

“It doesnt look like the Queen anymore unfortunately because it is finally starting to heal over.”

Well, nothing lasts forever.


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