Canadian Man Explains Why He's Totally Covering Himself In Blue Ink
“I such as that its a clean appearance – unladen by icons and also the form of the body undisturbed by patterning and styles.
Donnie confessed: “I get inquiries about that regularly
“My dad found out about it recently since I was featured in a local newspaper, but we havent chatted regarding it.
The 26-year-old started out with just one tattoo celebrating the band The B-52s – of Love Shack and Rock Lobster fame – but when that faded, he made the decision to try something new.
He claims that his mission has helped his mental health, too.
Speaking to the Daily Star, Donnie explained: “Over the past several years I had been isolating myself, and making efforts to tone down my less-than-pragmatic impulses, out of fear and lack of confidence – and I was extremely miserable.
“After going in circles for too long, I decided to quit hiding, break myself out of stagnation and remake my life as Id like it to be.
“To take the energy Id been expending in a fruitless campaign to normalise myself, and redirect it to the pursuit of a life Id be happy to live.”
Beginning by letting his sister daub messages in blue on his to be inked in, he now plans to be completely covered by the end of the year.
Why? – you might ask.
Well, he added: “Firstly of course, I just like the look of it!
“I thought it would be neat.
“The turquoise was a nice calm, natural colour – vibrant but not too jarring.
“I figured it was the one Id be least likely to tire of.
“I think it looks almost like a glitch in reality – as if youre playing a video game and a texture on a character model just didnt render properly.
“I like that its a clean look – unladen by symbols and the form of the body undisturbed by patterning and designs.
“I did want it to look almost as if blue was a naturally occurring variation in human skin colour.”
Oh, and since youre already thinking it – dont pretend you arent – his intimate areas are already blue.
Donnie admitted: “I get questions about that regularly
“My dad found out about it recently because I was featured in a local newspaper, but we havent talked about it.
“My mum was a little bit annoyed at first, but quickly accepted it as the new normal.
“They just expect odd things from me – people have been telling me Im strange for as long as I can remember.”
Well, as long as hes happy.