New TikTok Trend Sees People Stripping Off To Surprise Their Partners Trying To Work
So, we’re all in lockdown, cooped up at home – we might as well start looking for ways to keep ourselves amused. We can always turn to TikTok for a few ideas, and the latest craze appears to be – wait for it – walking in on your significant other whilst they are having a work video chat, or trying to play video games, wearing absolutely nothing at all.
Sure, it’s hardly the most inventive and exciting method of pranking your partner, but desperate times call for desperate measures, don’t they?
The craze started when one woman filmed the reaction of her boyfriend trying to distract him from playing video games, but it has quickly accelerated to bored folks attempting to put their other halves off while they are working, and having potentially important business to attend to.
Hey, it beats going outside and putting loads of other people at risk, doesn’t it?

Why not give it a go yourself tomorrow while your partner is having an office hours catch up with their boss? That’s if you’re not shy, or they aren’t going to get sacked as a result, obviously.
If you’re looking for other things to pass the time until we are allowed to go back outside – whenever that might be – there are other, less annoying or potentially costly, ways to do so.
How about putting together a jigsaw that is just a 2,000 piece blank canvas? It’s called ‘Pure Hell’ and – to be quite honest – that sounds like something of an understatement.
Not for you? OK, how about joining in with a game of Cards Against Humanity with your pals online?
Yes, head on over to and set up a room and you could be slinging around horrible statements with your best pals from the relative comfort and safety of your couch.
You won’t get infected, but you could definitely get offended.

Anyway, whatever you do, it’s of vital importance that we all chill out, stay indoors as much as possible, and work together to stop the spread of this virus.
The sooner we all get that into our heads, the quicker it will all be over. If that means getting your kit off and trying to make your boyfriend laugh during a conference call, so be it.