Parents Across The UK Told Their Kids They Were Back At School Today As April Fools Prank
We need to take joy in the small things in life at the moment, and if one of those things happens to be tricking kids with April Fools pranks, then so be it.
Some parents across the UK have put an impressive level of effort in to their tricks. Many of them have made their beloved children get up early, get their uniforms on and in some cases even getting them to start walking to school before they let them in on the joke.
As you can see from the videos above – the kids were definitely not impressed.

You’ll most likely be aware that schools across the UK are closed down for the time being, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
In a bid to slow the spread of Covid-19, social distancing measures have been put into place to make sure that people stay at home, to protect each other and support the NHS.
But that doesn’t mean that we can’t keep with tradition, and make people look stupid, even if said people are your own offspring.
And it seems that the whole idea had been pre-meditated, with parents sharing their plans on Twitter – meaning a load of kids have most likely been the victims of the prank this morning.
I think it’s clear that in these testing times, we will make sure we entertain ourselves, even if it IS at the expense of the nation’s children.