Dog Steals Owner's Fake Dentures And Looks Hilarious
A dog has gone viral around the world after stealing its owner’s fake dentures and wearing them around the home.
Ben Campbell couldn’t stop laughing when he checked in on his dog Thomas and saw the Yorkshire Terrier sporting a different look than usual.
Speaking to Therednow, Ben said: “I bought some amazing fake teeth on Etsy to make myself laugh while at home in Quarantine.
“I planned on making some wacky videos of myself with big teeth. Thomas, my six-pound teacup Yorkie, got hold of them and as I chased him down to retrieve them, he had them locked in his mouth in the PERFECT position.
Campbell was amused with the hilarious look and decided to take a video of Thomas and his new teeth.

He can be heard saying on the footage: “Thomas, what are you doing? Thomas? Buddy what are you doing?”
After posting the video onto YouTube and Facebook, he’s been hit with loads of comments and even more views.
Nearly half a million people have seen the video in just 24 hours and people are blown away with the look.
One viewer wrote: “This made me a better person, pure gold! Thomas is hilarious and your laugh had me crack up.”

Another added: “I just woke up my entire house laughing harder than I have ever. This was so unexpected it laughed me out of bed. My wife and kids are so mad none of them will watch it and I still can’t stop.“
A third said: “Oh my god!! I’m finally gonna get those quarantine abs just from laughing at this!”
An owner was lost for words after spotting her four-legged pal cuddled up on the couch with her sex toy.

Halle Papson, from Jacksonville in Florida, said she walked into her living room to find her dog Dammit Bobby (yep, that’s his name) had used the dildo as a chew toy, before cuddling up to it and having a little lie down.
Twenty-four-year old Halle said she and her husband James must have left the sex toy out on the bed, but didn’t think the dog would pop in and nick it – much less use it as a chew toy.
Halle explained that her adopted pooch loves chew toys and it had been a few weeks since she’d treated him to one, so this was maybe his way of letting her know.
After laughing at finding Dammit Bobby in such an unusual predicament, she then tried to get the toy off him, but he was having none of it and ran off with the toy in his mouth.
“It was hilarious and something we will never forget. But I’ll be sure to hide any naughty toys from him in the future.”